ATTN: If the pictures in this article are distorted, then click on the "view it in your browser" link located at the top right-hand corner of the page. Dear Friend,
Greetings from your sister churches in Washington DC; Orlando, Florida; Los Angeles, California; and Kiev, Ukraine! On Wednesday, September 25th, Elena & I flew from LA to Washington DC to visit our dear son and daughter in the faith – LuJack & Cathi Martinez! Then on Friday, I preached at the very fiery DC All Congregational Devotional! Saturday, we flew to Orlando since Monday, September 30th was my mom's 91st birthday! So on Sunday morning, we worshiped with the dynamic Orlando Church led by Chris & Sonja Chloupek! Elena shared for the Contribution Charge and I was honored to deliver the sermon! On October 11th, I was privileged to speak at the Kiev All Congregational Devotional, as well as for the Sunday Sermon! So great to spend time with many members of the church, especially Oleg & Aliona Sirotkin, their daughter Sophia and her new husband Luca Bi Beo, and their youngest daughter Liidia! And to God be all the glory! A historic announcement about the SoldOut
Movement in China is shared by Joe Willis
later in this edition of the Mobile
Good News Email!
Washington DC At the LA Super Sunday Weekend at the end of August, LuJack asked me to visit the Washington DC Church, as Elena & I had not preached there for a few years. We arrived on Wednesday afternoon, September 25th to a great SoldOut Movement Welcome! The DC Disciples gave the McKeans a huge
SoldOut Movement Welcome! That night, we had a terrific time of fellowship at dinner with LuJack & Cathi! When Cathi was a student on the UCLA Cross Country Team in 1990, she lived with us and so she became our children's "big sister" and Elena's & my precious daughter in the faith! Cathi (left) became Olivia's big sister
and roommate in 1990! In fact, one night when a brother broke up his dating relationship with Cathi, Elena & I waited somewhat nervously in the living room, because we knew Cathi was going to be really hurt! Well, she came into the house with tears, and so, thinking I was going to comfort her, I said, "Hey Cathi, I have an idea… Why don't you go out with LuJack again!" At that point, let's just say Cathi was a "bit" mad at me and asked me how I could be so insensitive! Well, I rationalized, at least Cathi stopped crying! And yes, I'm still continuing to work on my sensitivity! Kip was privileged to marry LuJack & Cathi
on March 20, 1993!
Thursday, Elena spent time with Cathi, while LuJack and I got together with a brother to strengthen his faith. That night, Elena & I went to the Martinezes' home and met with 10 disciples responsible for the "shepherding" of the now 126 DC Disciples! The inspiring DC Church Logo was designed
by Ron Harding, when he served as
the DC Lead Evangelist! I gave a brief charge from the Book of Acts on Paul's interaction with the elders in different cities. Then we had a tremendous discussion on: 1) What Are The Strengths Of The DC Church? and 2) What Does The DC Church Need To Work On? Shared very joyfully by the "shepherding group" were the DC Church's great qualities: Loving, healing, hard-working, resilient, persevering, super-sacrificial and family! Also, we talked about the need to crucify sentimentality to be more hard-line on sin, as well as to not be political in lessons since "we" have brothers and sisters "on both sides of the aisle." We also addressed the racial imbalance in the congregation. Lastly, we talked about the need to increase their forceful advancement. We started at 7:30PM and ended around 11:00PM! Kip & Elena will have many more "Shepherding
Meetings" as they did in DC, because these
disciples give so many insights as to
the needs of the church! Joe & Janette Nelson - a DC Shepherding Couple -
live in Dover, Delaware and drive two hours to
church each way! They are the "pillar couple"
for next year's Dover Church Planting!
Friday night, Elena & I met with the DC Church! What amazing singing, really not surprising with LuJack as the Lead Evangelist! As always, LuJack led the singing at the Friday
Night Devo in a very inspirational way! Davene (left) and Belinda sang a beautiful duet,
Lay My Troubles Down By The River! I complimented the DC Church that they had already met their Fall Missions Goal! It was excellent for me to have "eyes on" this great church, and what the shepherds had shared the night before was true: The DC Church is about 90% African American and 10% Caucasian. Interestingly, according to Wikipedia, the racial demographics for DC are as follows: 47.1% African American, 36.8% Caucasian, 11.3% Hispanic, 4.3% Asian, 0.5% Others. So in striving to build all of our churches to essentially match their city's demographics, the Lord put on my heart to build what Andrew Smellie – the DC Church planter – would say is a "vanilla" DC Supplemental Mission Team sometime next summer. Elena & I fellowshipped with these enthusiastic disciples past 11:00PM! Tragedy struck Santana DeJesus just weeks before
her wedding, when her mother suddenly passed
away. In moving the wedding up, similar to Issac
in Genesis 24:67, she "was comforted" after her
mother's death by marrying Matt McGruder! Orlando, Florida Saturday, September 29th, Elena & I jumped on a plane to Orlando as Monday was Mom's birthday! Just by chance, our son Sean and his awesome wife Alex were in town for business, so we had Mom's birthday celebration on Saturday night! Sean & Alex McKean joined Kip & Elena and
celebrated "Kim's" 91st Birthday
two days early! Sunday, Sean & Alex returned to New York City, and Elena & I took Mom to the Orlando ICC! Chris & Sonja Chloupek – the Orlando Church Leaders – reach out to Mom quite often! The Worship Service was filled with a great air of excitement! Fred & Latisha Dieugene were incredibly
vivacious in their Welcome! For their International Day Service, an International
Prayer was delivered in 7 languages: Chinese,
German, Spanish, French, Afrikaans,
Portuguese and English! Elena shared about the Johannesburg Inaugural
Service in the Contribution Charge, as
Sonja is South African! Muzic Malera (pianist) composed, played and
sang the song, You Are Worthy! Since Kip serves as the Chancellor of ICCM-Global,
Kip and Chris gave BA Diplomas to Chad & Raelyn
Willson and Marie Graeff, since they could
not make the 2019 LA Commencement! Sunday, during the announcements, they presented Mom with flowers and a cake! Elena & I spent a very enjoyable Sunday with Mom! For her 91st Birthday, Kip's mom was given a
bouquet of roses and a cake midway
through the service! That was a lot of candles to blow out! For his sophomore and junior years of high school,
Kip attended Winter Park High School which is
in the Orlando Metro Area! Chris, Sonja and Cassi Chloupek were such
a joy to Kip, Elena and Kip's mom!
Monday, September 30th was Mom's 91st Birthday! All through the day and the evening, we spent precious time with Mom! On Kim's actual birthday on Monday, September
30th, she was so encouraged to receive flowers
and a balloon from Karen (Maciel) Gregory,
whom she used to talk on the phone when
Karen was the McKeans' assistant! Kim was born in Indianapolis, so when the
McKeans were there for the Inaugural,
they found the "Love Indiana T-shirt"
that she wore all day! Tuesday morning, October 1st, I sent the following email to all SoldOut Movement Church Leaders and City of Angels Church Region Leaders:
Greetings from Orlando on the day following my mom's 91st Birthday! What a tremendous International Day Service at the Orlando ICC on Sunday! From last year at this time to now, Chris & Sonja Chloupek have done a sensational job building this congregation! My mom was so impacted by the flowers, the cake and even my sermon! Please continue to keep her in your prayers!
The import of this email is to inform you of some very exciting decisions:
1) In mid-December, Lord willing, John & Emma Causey will move from LA to Chicago with 15 other LA Disciples to build out the Midwest Family of Churches! Come August 2020, the Midwest will have the following churches: Chicago, Milwaukee, Columbus, Indianapolis and – to be sent out at the 2020 GLC – Minneapolis! The Causeys will continue to disciple Canada and the Northwest Churches as a part of the Tribe World Sector! [The LA Disciples going to Chicago are: John & Emma Causey, Aaron & Sheila Turner, Chris & Kerri-Sue Adams, AJ & CL Penedo, Taylor Causey, Danny Garner, Gerardo Luna, Nick Kley, Kasey Christiansen, Quentin McGuire, Amanda Lee, Akkarachai Pleng Rophai and Katie Jystad.]
The creative Pacific Rim Tribe World Sector Logo
incorporates the water of the Pacific Ocean
(and baptisms) with sheaves of grain
signifying the great harvest to come!
2) As well, Cesar & Debbie Limon of Portland will join the Causeys in December, becoming their right hand couple! About 7 Portland Disciples will join them in Chicago!
With the Limons (left) going to Chicago, the
Parlours will assume the leadership of
the ICCM-Pacific Northwest!
3) Cory & Jee Blackwell – the Middle East World Sector Leaders – will return to LA in mid-December with about 10 other Chicago Disciples. They will co-lead the LA Church being discipled by the Kernans in "all things LA." Elena & I will continue to disciple this incredible couple in their charge to evangelize the Middle East. Coming to LA will afford the four of us more time and LA will be able to provide more disciples and more money than Chicago to plant many more Middle East Churches in the very near future!
When the Metro Heights Region heard that
Cory & Jee would be returning to LA to
lead them, they broke out in
a thundering applause!
4) In mid-December, Preston & Shauna Inkley – the gifted AV Region Leaders of LA – will assume the Portland Church Leadership!
Preston & Shauna Inkley are so looking forward
to leading the historic Portland Church!
5) Among those coming from Chicago is the very talented dating couple – Markus Cameron & Heather Schmidt! They will become the new AV Region Leaders!
Lord willing, Markus & Heather will not only
inspire the AV Region, but - since they are
"single" - they will inspire all of
the LA Singles as well!
Pray that we will continue to forcefully advance the Gospel around the world and particularly in America so that we can raise more money for missions, as the USA Missions Collections support churches in all the International World Sectors! Thank you USA Churches for your incredible sacrifice as the SoldOut Movement has grown this year more than any year to date! This is the new WebApp - on November 1st - that is
replacing the First Principles App (FPA) in the App
Store! It has every feature that the old FPA had,
but it will be in 6 languages! By downloading
the app at - Lord
willing, you will receive it! As well, since we had to postpone the First Caribbean Missions Conference due to great political unrest, please be praying about the new date [on April 9-12, 2020]. Lastly, please pray for the City of Angels Church – as of October 1st at 954 disciples – to break the "1,000 disciple barrier" by December 15th, the day the Causeys leave for Chicago… For the LA Staff to focus on their prayer goal,
Taylor Causey and Kasey Christiansen made
the "Journey To 1,000 Odograph!" That Tuesday morning, October 1st, Elena & I drove two hours or so from Orlando, Florida to Gainesville, Florida to have lunch with her awesome parents – Dr. Ignacio & Carmen Garcia-Bengochea!
Elena's parents - Ignacio & Carmen - continue to
enjoy sweets even at 92 and 89 years
old respectively! That evening, we caught a flight back to our beloved LA! While we flew home, we reflected on how awesome our parents were and still are! Thank you God!
Los Angeles, California On Sunday, October 6th, Elena & I went to the Metro Heights Region Service to make the announcement about the Causeys and 9 other Metro Heights Disciples going to Chicago! The service was outstanding as the Spanish Super Sector joined the English speakers of Metro Heights! The singing – wonderfully led by Michael Peterson and Carlos Diaz – was sensational! Victor & Sonja Gonzalez – the Spanish Super Sector Leaders – taught powerfully from the Scriptures for Communion! Victor & Sonia shared very vulnerably
for Communion! Victor & Sonia recently celebrated their 24th
Spiritual Birthday as they were baptized
on September 25, 1995! The Contribution Charge was given by John & Genina Tuason, who shared about being on the Dubai Mission Team and the incredible growth since! So amazing, the Causeys joined God's Movement in April 2017! Then they were appointed the Metro Heights Region Leaders in September 2017, which had 91 in their membership at that time. As of Sunday, just two years later, there were 214 Metro Heights Disciples! On April 9, 2017, John & Emma officially
joined the New Movement!
The Sunday sermon was excellent! Aaron Turner, who became the Metro Heights Region Leader in June 2019, preached on OPEN YOUR TREASURE CHEST! Both points said it all: 1) Embrace The Treasure Of Christ and 2) The Treasure Of Christ Is Worth Everything! Be assured, this young man and his precious wife Sheila are destined to do great things for our God! In his sermon, Aaron displayed a "wisdom
way beyond his years!"
That afternoon, Elena & I drove to the UCLA Medical Center to visit our dear and inspirational daughter in the faith April Baker! The previous week, doctors performed two very delicate procedures for her heart rate to stabilize! So many disciples visited April during
her 26 day hospital stay: the
Kernans, the Carrs... the Gonzalezes, the Bataglins from Lima... Emma... and Kip & Elena! On Saturday, October 19th,
April was released! Sunday night, October 13th, we had our LA Shepherding Meeting at our favorite Indian Restaurant with the Kernans, Causeys, Untalans and Michael Kirchner, as Sharon was in Kansas City helping her sister recover from surgery!
Kiev, Ukraine On Tuesday morning, October 8th, I was honored to preach at the City of Angels Church Staff Meeting! Tim "readied" the City of Angels Staff
to hear Kip's lesson! Megan Loheed was sent off at Staff to pursue her
Kingdom dream to train for the
ministry in Sydney! Then I took off for Kiev late that afternoon! I arrived at the Kiev Airport on Thursday at 2:00AM! Oleg Sirotkin and Bogdan Mekeda graciously met me! Faithful friends, Bogdan and Oleg warmly greeted
Kip at the airport at 2:00AM! Then at noon, I met for four hours with Oleg & Aliona Sirotkin and Luca & Sophia Di Beo to access the damage to the Kiev and Moscow Churches from divisive false teachers. The stunning red building is Kiev State
University - the number one college
in the Ukraine! Like Gamaliel in Acts 5:38-39, it is my deep conviction that persecution from the outside can never stop the Movement of God! However, perpetual sin on the inside will lead to divisions, lukewarmness and a drifting from the mission of the church "to seek and save the lost." These grievous sins will destroy a congregation or even God's Movement in a very short time. Indeed, the two major differences between the ICOC and the New Movement (ICC) is: 1) The entire ICC Leadership is unified on the Five Core Convictions, and 2) In humility, we have much more grace and mercy while still being hard-line on sin. Everywhere Kip travels, he gives several copies to
remnant disciples of Ron Harding's history of
the Movement entitled, The Chronicles Of
Modern-Day Christianity! Sadly, the Eurasian World Sector is the only World Sector that has not experienced incredible growth this year. Though Kiev has grown slightly since January 1, 2019 from 57 to 63 disciples, there have been 25 fall aways – mostly from a divisive "yeast" introduced by false teachers who believe in autonomy verses central leadership. Our first century brothers and sisters had similar challenges, so Paul taught the church, "Savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard." (Acts 20:29-31) This same Satanic "hit" in Moscow – plus the leaving of the Sirotkins to Kiev – have greatly contributed to the Moscow Church falling from 111 disciples in January 2019 to now 77 disciples through few baptisms and 35 fall aways. After Kip's visit, the Kiev Leaders are much more
committed to "prayer and the ministry
of the Word!" (Acts 6:4) To further strengthen the Kiev Church, on Thursday night for dinner, I met with the Sirotkins and Bogdan & Alyona Mekeda! Bogdan – a former Kiev City Boxing Champion – was restored at the Eurasian Missions Conference on May 5th! His amazing wife Alyona – a former Miss Ukraine – was baptized that day as well! Sadly, though I studied with them, I could not witness these miracles since I flew from Moscow to Orlando to be by my mother's side as she struggled with her health. So it was awesome to hug both of them as disciples and once again see their beautiful first child – Daniel! On a crisp night in Kiev, Kip enjoyed dinner with
Bogdan & Alyona Mekeda and Oleg
& Aliona Sirotkin! On Friday morning, Dima & Tanya Serafonov – the Moscow Church Leaders – arrived in Kiev by train from Moscow. So at 11:00AM, I met with the Sirotkins and the Serafonovs – who have led the Moscow Church only since May 5, 2019. We studied out various passages to encourage and guide them. Kip met with the Sirotkins and the Serafonovs to
study from the Bible how to turn
the Moscow Church! That afternoon, I had a very short time to prepare my lesson for the Friday Night Devotional! (We cancelled the Wednesday Midweek Service, so all the Kiev Disciples could easily attend.) In the singing, I sensed apprehension among the Kiev Christians, but also some hope. The Kiev Friday Night Devo! Luca & Sophia Di Beo - who lead the Campus
Ministry - gave a spirited Welcome! The title of my sermon was, THE EVANGELIZATION OF THE NATIONS IN THIS GENERATION! Afterward, there was joy in the fellowship! Faithful Brothers and Sisters appreciate an uncompromising lesson on sin and a call back to the "ideals of the Bible being our standards!" The Crown of Thorns (COT) Project was launched in
2009, as a plan to evangelize the world! In 2017
the Spirit completed Phase One - the planting
of the 12 COT Churches! Today, God's
SoldOut Movement is in 42 of the
196 nations of the world! Saturday, I studied with Oleg with the "three Sachas!" At 10:00AM, Sacha #1 (Shvets) wanted to be restored, so over the weekend we laid out a plan for his girlfriend to be baptized, for Sacha to be restored, and in time, for them to have a "church wedding!" Sacha #1 (left) had "good news" to share
with his girlfriend after studying
with Oleg and Kip! Sacha #2 (Kozhnov) was a longtime friend of Oleg's since being baptized in 1993! Sadly, he fell away 19 years ago. Earlier in his walk, Sacha was in the full-time ministry and led the Kharkov (Ukraine) ICOC Church. Today, he is an extremely wealthy businessman, who has been humbled by the "emptiness of success." (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11) The plan for him was to study every day with Oleg and be restored on Sunday, October 20th! As well, I gave him a copy of Ron Harding's The Chronicles Of Modern-Day Christianity to read to get solid on the Five Core Convictions! Sacha #3 (Oksyutko) was caught up in the division in the Kiev Church. After a lengthy study, he repented in tears! Sacha #2 "treated" Oleg and Kip to an "upscale"
Chinese restaurant called Bao! The SERAX
plates from which they ate, Sacha's
business imported from Belgium
to the Ukraine! To close the day, I had a terrific d-time with Victor Masleanicov! A divorced father of two, he has not let acedia kill his faith! At 37 years old, he leads the Kiev Singles, and Lord willing, will be appointed an Evangelist at the 2020 Eurasian Missions Conference in Kiev next May! Pray for Victor to be appointed an
Evangelist at the 2020 Eurasian
Missions Conference in Kiev! What a beautiful, almost summer day was Sunday, October 13th! Church was at 12:00noon, but Oleg and I arrived quite early to get everything ready for a great day! Even before church began, one could feel the energy in the fellowship from the "refreshment of repentance!" In fact, with "no push," we had almost 100 in attendance with only a few children! The singing was so much better than Friday night! The Welcome was joyfully given by Victor and Aliona! The Welcome! The Communion was powerfully delivered by Gustavo Piai of São Paulo & Anya Korotova – his girlfriend – of Moscow; and the Contribution Charge was ably presented by Bogdan! Gustavo Piai of São Paulo & Anya Korotova of
Moscow are the right-hand couple in the Kiev
Campus Ministry for Luca & Sophia! To conclude the first half of the service, Sacha #3 in tears apologized to the church for his divisiveness! (It should be noted that Sacha #1 and Sacha #2 so enjoyed church!) After Sacha Oksyutko's apology, the Kiev Church
encouraged him with the song, We Love You
With The Love Of The Lord! For the lesson that Sunday, though my time was short, I really prayed to hit people's hearts. I preached the lesson, DO YOU REALLY LOVE JESUS? using John 21, where Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do you love me?" Since Peter had denied the Lord three times, Jesus asked him this question three times to remind him of his betrayal. My points were that there are three ways that one can deny the Lord: 1) Forsake Our First Love of Jesus (Revelation 2:4-5); 2) Drift From Jesus (Hebrews 2:1-3); and 3) Doubt Jesus (Matthew 28:16-20)! In John 21, after His resurrection, Jesus asked
Peter three times, "Do you love me?" To close the service, the Kiev Sisters came together to buy all the Kiev Brothers pizza for lunch as the next day was a special holiday in the Ukraine – Defender of the Fatherland Day! Since each man must serve in the military between 18 and 25, all the brothers felt very encouraged! The fellowship was "hot" and so many disciples had great questions for me during the fellowship – keeping me away from the tasty-looking pizza! Kip was so grateful that Oleg's mom Anna
came to church to hear him preach! For lunch, I was invited to the humble apartment of Kirill & Lesia Karasyov, which was a ways out of town! What a lovely afternoon we spent together! They even decided to start going after their ICCM Master's Degrees! Kip was touched to be invited for a homemade
lunch at Kirill's & Lesia's humble apartment
just outside of Kiev!
Kirill played several modern tunes! Kip's favorite
that afternoon was Everything I Do,
I Do For You! I returned to my hotel for the "wrap up meeting" with Oleg & Aliona. Then it was early to bed! In talking on the phone with Elena, who was now in Dallas taking care of our two youngest granddaughters, Saturday had been a little rough! The day before our son-in-law Santtu & our daughter Olivia had left to attend his mother's funeral in Turku, Finland. So, this was the first full day that Scarlett's (6) & Savanah's (3) parents were gone, and consequently, they were very rambunctious! Elena, who is the kindest and most patient person I know, said that night, "Girls, you need to settle down and obey me. Isä (Finnish for Daddy) & Mommy are gone, so that makes Abuela the boss!" Elena was very thankful on Sunday that Shay Sears and Olympia Argueta helped with the girls during and after church!
Scarlett and Savannah so enjoyed their
nine days alone with Abuela!
On October 20th, Kip received "good news"
from Oleg: Sacha #1 (left) and Sacha #2
were restored! Praise God:
He has turned Kiev! Turku, Finland On Monday morning, October 14th, I set out for Turku to attend the Memorial Service of Terhi Jermyn – the incredible mother of my son-in-law Santtu. Santtu is like my "third son!" Terhi was like a sister to Elena & me! Kip feels like he has been blessed with three
physical sons: Sean McKean (left), Santtu
Leskinen, and Eric McKean! Turku is the old capital of Finland! I left for the Kiev Airport at 4:00AM and arrived there just 45 minutes later. While waiting for the first of my three flights that day, I received a text from Kathi Bogle Bell. Kathi – a dear daughter in the faith in Gainesville – texted that her father, our dear brother, and my friend and mentor Frank Bogle had gone on to glory! Frank died in Gainesville on Sunday night at 11:15PM. Frank and I met in the early 70's in Gainesville at the Crossroads Church of Christ! Since he was one of the Directors of the Crossroads Singers, we became quite close one summer as the Singers toured the State of Florida and I invited the Church of Christ audiences to the Florida Evangelism Seminar! On October 6, 2017, Kip visited Frank in Gainesville
after decades of not seeing each other! Through
efforts of the Spirit, Frank's daughter Kathi Bell,
Marcel Turner, and the love of the Gainesville
ICC, Frank joined the New Movement
a few months after Kip's visit! Frank with his loving daughter Kathi and
Elena in the summer of 2018 after he
joined the Movement! Quite fittingly, Frank's Memorial Service
was held in the old Crossroads Church
Building, which is now owned by the
Campus View Church of Christ! At Frank's Memorial Service, Kathi shared
about her father with disciples from all
around the Eastern USA! Mike & Chenelle Patterson of New York City were
in attendance as they had been instrumental
in Kathi and her late husband Dennis
joining the Movement! In the mid 70's, Kathi was in the Crossroads
Teen Ministry when Kip helped lead it as
a University of Florida Student! In 2019, I have been honored to preside over four weddings and touched by four funerals, so I have come to realize that I have passed into the "Autumn of my life." This was all the more reinforced as Santtu's older sister Helja picked me up at the Turku Airport, as so many of the trees in Finland now have the golden leaves of Autumn! During my time in Turku, many memories stirred my heart... Kip's memories of Terhi (and her husband Roland)
were highlighted by the celebration of
Olivia's graduation from the Harvard
Business School in 2012! Another highlight in Kip's mind was when Roland &
Terhi came to the Dallas / Ft. Worth Church to hear
him preach in 2014! Roland raved so much about
the service that Kip gave him an ICCM cap!
Monday, October 14th, I arrived at my hotel at 5:00PM, and Terhi's American husband Roland was waiting to talk with me. He wrestled with so many issues around Terhi's passing, not the least of which was, "Why?" We talked for two hours and I tried to sensitively share Bible verses and concepts that had helped me deal with the passing of my father almost two years ago. As we finished, Santtu & Olivia checked into the hotel, which is located on the beautiful little Aura River that flows through Turku. That night at dinner in the hotel, the four of us enjoyed "family fellowship." The last time that Kip & Elena saw Terhi was
this July at Helja's wedding in Turku!
The next day, I had breakfast with Santtu & Olivia! Following, I bought a flower arrangement to personally honor Terhi and her extended family. Then we picked up Roland, and Santtu drove us 15 minutes to Ruissalo Island! Roland & Terhi loved visiting Ruissalo Island! Ruissalo Island is a Finnish National Reserve! Roland went inside the "log cabin style" Honkapirtti Lodge, while the three of us had an adventuresome walk through this gorgeous National Island Reserve! Olivia and I worked hard to keep up with
Santtu, who is an avid hiker! We returned in an hour to have a tasty Finnish lunch of dried pea soup mixed with ham called hernekeitto, as well as pannukakku, which is like a pancake served with jelly and whipped cream! The Honkapirtti Lodge reminded Kip of his paternal
grandparents' log cabin in Michigan! Santtu so enjoyed his hernekeitto and pannukakku!
The quaint city of Turku – the oldest city in Finland – will celebrate its 800th Anniversary in just 10 years as it was founded in 1229! The region around the city was originally called Suomi, which is still the official name of Finland! For dinner that rainy night, Santtu, Olivia & I strolled along the Aura to the Nerå Resturant. Santtu's older sister Helja and Roland joined us for a late dinner. Helja joined Roland, Santtu, Olivia
and Kip for Tuesday dinner!
That night, I talked with Elena over the phone and she shared that Scarlett was having a tough time with the passing of Terhi. As she was being put to bed, Scarlett said in tears to Elena, "Now you are my only grandmother." Scarlett's two grandmothers - Terhi and
Elena - both adored her! Wednesday, October 16th was Terhi's Memorial Service! Santtu, Olivia, Roland and I drove to the Ylösnousemuskappeli – the chapel at the graveyard. This Lutheran church building was simple yet beautiful on the inside. Ylösnousemuskappeli was the site
of Terhi's Memorial Service! In preparation for the service, everyone was given a red rose with a blank tag to write your last thoughts to Terhi. The Memorial Service began sharply at 2:00PM.
The flower arrangement that Kip bought in honor of
Terhi had two ribbons: The first said, "Family
forever;" the second read, "To our beloved
Terhi, Kip & Elena." There was organ and violin music for five minutes, then the minister motioned to the family and Terhi's friends to begin to place "their" rose on the all-white casket. Each person or couple came up separately; spoke to Terhi; laid the rose on the casket; then gave a slight bow to Terhi; and then a slight bow to the family. Afterward, they walked slowly away and the next person came forward. Roland was first as Terhi's husband. All the more painful for Roland, Terhi died in Roland's arms at 6:00PM on the same date that Roland & her had their first date – a blind date – 22 years before! Roland delicately placed the first red
rose on Terhi's white casket.
When Santtu & Olivia went to the casket, Santtu was so overcome with grief that he literally fell on the casket in tears. "The sting of death" is inescapable except through Christ. A "bee or scorpion sting" hurts considerably when it happens, but the pain continues for quite some time... just like death. As Santtu placed his rose, he fell on
his mother's casket in grief. Terhi's older brother and his children
placed their flowers on the casket. There were so many roses that some had to be
placed on the ground beside the casket.
After about half an hour during which the roses were placed on the casket, the minister read a few Scriptures – all in Finnish so Roland and I did not understand what was being said. At the conclusion of the readings, the minister shared for a couple minutes about Terhi, but he never knew her. Then we were instructed to retrieve our rose on the casket, and to get our coats on as it was cold and drizzling outside. I was extremely honored to be one of six pallbearers. We slowly carried the casket outside the church to the graveyard. Then we lowered the casket into the 10 foot grave. The immediate family threw their roses directly on the casket. Helja threw her rose into her mother's
tomb as Roland silently wept. Terhi's daughter Ilona stood by Roland's side,
as well as Ilona's daughter Lilian. Then a covering was placed over the grave and everyone else showered the grave with their roses. Friends covered Terhi's tomb with
roses and notes of praise. After the graveside ceremony, Lilian was
still trying to comfort her grandfather.
We all drove to an old hall in the center of town, and a group of about 60 held a Celebration Meal in Terhi's honor. Everything that was served was exactly the same preparations from Terhi's beloved cafe! I recognized all of the dishes and pastries from my only visit to her cafe two days before Santtu & Olivia were married in 2006. Everything I had was delicious and tasted exactly as I remembered from 13 years before! The Celebration Meal was composed of only freshly
made fare from Terhi's recipes from when
she owned her cafe. Almost everyone's favorite was Terhi's
Sea Buckthorn Berry Cake!
A moving slideshow featuring Terhi from infancy to quite recently was shown accompanied by her favorite music! This labor of love was made by Terhi's incredible daughters – Helja and Ilona! All of us wept. Terhi's three children and Olivia introduced the
slideshow with pictures that honored
Terhi's different times in her life! From the slide of Roland & Terhi on their
Wedding Day, you can see on Terhi's
face just how much she adored him! Then came a long time of sharing, which was followed by joyful picture taking. Roland was so loved by Terhi's family and friends, so all wanted pictures with him! The Leskinen / Jermyn Extended Family picture! Through this ordeal, Roland and Kip
have become best of friends.
To end the evening, Santtu, Olivia and I stayed around to help Helja & Ilona to clean up. Olivia mourned deeply for the loss of
her cherished mother-in-law! Since Santtu is my "third son," I told Helja and Ilona that they were dear daughters and their children my grandchildren. Terhi's amazing three children - Ilona (left),
Santtu and Helja - hold Kip's flower
arrangement gift that says,
"Family forever!" Taking after her mom, Helja has done a
tremendous job raising her oldest son
Akseli and her youngest Wiljami!
Terhi visited Ilona in September in Geneva,
Switzerland and spent wonderful days
with Ilona's husband Tshering, Terhi's
oldest granddaughter Mirjami, Lilian
and her young grandson Martti!
Sadly, Santtu, Olivia and I walked about a mile home in the cold damp night. Santtu & Olivia!
My flight from Turku to Stockholm left the next morning at 6:40AM, which in Finland at this time of year is quite dark. During takeoff, it was cold and drizzling, and I felt a wave of sadness come over me as if God were crying over Terhi's passing and that there is no discipling church in Turku or even Finland. Kip took a propeller plane from Turku to Stockholm
where he flew back to the USA! Please join me in praying that God's SoldOut Movement comes to the amazing nation of Suomi very soon! UPDATE: GLOBAL GOOD NEWS Austral-China Joe Willis – the World Sector Leader of Austral-China: Greetings from Sydney where the Lord added another dynamic Chinese sister on Sunday, October 20th! Chloe is studying for her Master's Degree in Finance and Marketing at the number one "uni" in Australia – Sydney University!
The Chinese Ministry in Sydney has supplied
many leaders for China!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Since China was steadfastly against Christianity in the 80's and 90's, in the ICOC, when we talked about the Chinese Churches, we simply called them Red Dragon #1, Red Dragon #2, etc. Since China remains anti-Christian, on a go forward basis in the SoldOut Movement (ICC), we will talk about the Chinese Churches as “Crouching Tiger” #1, #2, #3, etc. Hong Kong is Crouching Tiger #1. Please, never mention any other Chinese cities by name where we will have churches in any verbal or written communication. Good news, Crouching Tiger #2 has formed! China is the largest nation to have ever
existed with 1.4 billion lost souls! Hong Kong - Crouching Tiger #1 - is the
only Chinese Church that can be
mentioned by name!
Sean Valenzuela – the Lead Evangelist of Auckland: Praise God for Auckland's First Women's Day on September 22nd entitled, RADIANT! With just 9 women disciples, and 2 more visiting from Sydney, God blessed them with 26 visitors! Our beloved mom in the faith – Kerry Willis – was our keynote speaker!
Teigan Valenzuela did an amazing job
leading her first Women's Day! Kerry was every Auckland Sister's choice
to be the keynote speaker! The fellowship was RADIANT!
Since Kerry spoke at our Women's Day, her awesome husband Joe preached to the Auckland Church on Sunday! In keeping step with the Rugby World Cup, Joe's lesson was entitled, ARE YOU A FAN OF JESUS? If you were like me and said "yes" to the sermon's title, then the first point would be extra hard-hitting, Fans Go To Hell!
Joe & Kerry Willis have been used powerfully by
God to orchestrate the plantings of Sydney,
Hong Kong, Auckland and Apia!
I want to thank Joe personally for coming and inspiring the church to return to a "mission team mindset," and calling us to continue to move toward the promises of God! We are looking forward to the fruits of repentance, as we set our hearts on being the workers that we asked for in prayer from Jesus!
Scotty Iakopo – the Lead Evangelist of Apia: On July 19th, the team joined Berek, Jenna & me in Apia making us a mission team of 9! Since then, we have been blessed by God to have 6 baptisms and no fall aways, making us 15 strong in the Lord!
Apia's sixth baptism was on Saturday, October 19th!
Scotty baptized Samaeli, a devoted husband
and father who makes a living selling
clothes at the local markets! Asia Luke Speckman – the Overseeing Evangelist of South Asia: In our new planting in Kathmandu, Nepal, God has blessed the 8 New Delhi Disciples on the mission team, with their 8th baptism in the past 10 weeks! Triza was the seventh baptism in Kathmandu! Sumith was the eighth baptism, who was gloriously
baptized in a small stream!
We are so excited that this year on November 14-17, 2019, the New Delhi Church will host the South Asia Missions Conference (SAMC)! Immediately before this event, the World Sector Leaders and the Crown of Thorns Council will meet for their annual gathering in New Delhi on November 9-13th! The theme for the 2019 SAMC is "TAJ" -
Hindi for "crown!" Congratulations to the newlyweds Kumar
& Sandhya of Chennai who were
married on October 6th! Central & South America Raul Moreno – the Central and South American World Sector Leader: The incredible São Paulo Women's Day was on September 22nd and led by my awesome wife Lynda! The then 119 sisters had an attendance of 266 – 147 non-Christian visitors! God blessed them with 2 baptisms and one restoration! São Paulo Women's Day was a blast for
all of the 266 in attendance!
Lucy Mejia of Mexico City graciously came to be the keynote speaker! She did a fabulous job! The always effervescent Lucy Mejia was adored
for her preaching the Word by the
sisters and the visitors!
Excitingly, the Mexico City Campus Ministry has 26 students at UNAM – the number one college in Central America – and 5 other students at other universities! This is after graduating 8 students this year! The fast-growing Mexico City Campus Ministry! Santiago, Chile celebrated their Women's Day as the 84 Santiago Sisters witnessed an attendance of 182! Of these, 98 were visitors and half of them decided to study the Bible! The Santiago Women's Day had 182 in attendance -
98 of whom were visitors! Alejandra Anuch's mom in the faith Lynda
Moreno (right) was the guest speaker! Three women were baptized at this memorable event: Maria, Yuleydis and Veronica! The Santiago Women's Day triplets:
Maria, Yuleydis and Veronica! Bogotá, Columbia was "replanted" this year with only 7 disciples led by the valiant Tulio & Vaitsa Amaral! Recently, Stiven – a very bright student of chemistry at the National University which is the best university in Colombia – was baptized! He entered college at just 14 years old! God tested Stiven's faith in the Bible as his family is extremely Catholic, but he made the decision to be faithful to God by obeying His Word in being baptized as an adult disciple! Victor (left) - the Bogota Song Leader - and Tulio -
the Lead Evangelist - rejoiced with the angels
over Stiven's baptism! Middle East Miguel Mendez – the Lead Evangelist of Dubai: Greetings from the Middle East Family! "The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen." (Isaiah 60:22 NLT) The 2016 Inaugural Invitations were being vigorously
handed out by RD (center) & April (left) Baker -
the heroic Dubai Mission Team Leaders!
I am in awe of what God is doing here in Dubai, because He is making it happen! It has been a joy to lead God's chosen people here in the Middle East. Just 16 months ago in June 2018, the church was just 25 sold-out disciples. I began leading with my then awesome co-leader Megan Mathews, who now is in Florida! In July 2019, Megan handed the women ministry to my beautiful, talented, amazing soon-to-be wife Sadhvi!
The Dubai Church Leaders - Miguel and
soon-to-be Sadhvi Mendez!
In December 2018, we came up with a goal to see 100 disciples in the Dubai Church by the end of December 2019! We named this spiritual project, "ROAD TO 100!" Knowing that each soul will be coming by way of baptism, place membership or restoration for God! What's epic is that God has been blessing our efforts, as in the less than 10 months of 2019, we have seen 54 additions – 49 baptism, 3 place memberships and 2 restorations! On Saturday, October 19th, God blessed the church with triplets, as Nicolas, Jan and Abiola were baptized in the Persian Gulf! Praise God, we are now 79 disciples... and counting!
After his baptism, Nicolas was all smiles when he
gave his new discipler Joebert a huge hug!
Jan and Abiola were joyfully baptized
in the Persian Gulf!
The awe-inspiring Dubai International
Christian Church! Pray for the upcoming First Middle East Missions Conference (MEMC) in Dubai on December 6-8, 2019! The First MEMC has a very appropriate
theme: THE PROMISED LAND! Europe Michael Williamson – the European World Sector Leader: The European Missions Conference (EMC) is coming up this week on October 24-27, 2019! The theme is RADICAL! Pray for the conference to "radicalize" all who participate! RADICAL is this year's EMC theme! A unique aspect of the EMC is this year's
Kingdom Banquet with a Great
Gatsby theme! Lord willing, the Amsterdam Mission Team – the last of the SoldOut Movement's 12 Church Plantings in 2019 – will be sent out this coming Sunday, October 27th at the EMC!
The dynamic Amsterdam Mission Team Leaders -
Tomiwa & Vienne Safe-Adewumi and their
oldest daughter Amayah! Congratulations to Havon & Natasha Wint, who were married October 20th! Pray for them, as they are key members of the Amsterdam Mission Team! This is moments before the Wints' first kiss, as
Natasha kept her veil on the entire ceremony!
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Wint! On Sunday September 22nd, Paris held their Women's Day entitled, CONFIDENCE! With just 14 sisters, God blessed them with 56 in attendance! Many of the disciples' mothers and sisters attended and now want to study the Bible! The Prayer Goal is to baptize at least five women, who attended this event!
The Paris Women's Day with just 14 sisters
had 56 in attendance! As well, on Sunday, October 6th, the Paris Disciples celebrated the wedding of Abraham & Kelly Sesay! They had 73 at church on Sunday including visiting UK Disciples and Abraham's father! Congratulations to Abraham & Kelly Sesay!
Andrew Smellie – the World Sector Leader of Africa: So great for Patrique & me to be visiting Lagos from Johannesburg this weekend! Excitingly, Johannesburg has grown by 4 through 2 baptisms and 2 restorations since our Inaugural on September 8th! Today, on October 20th, despite the challenges of a flooding throughout Lagos, the church celebrated three incredible baptisms, as well as the beautiful wedding of Osas & Ariel Atohengbe! Traveling to worship on Sunday, Andrew & Patrique
were stuck behind 3 broken down buses!
Naphtali (center) became a dear grandson in the faith
to Andrew, as Kingsley (right) baptized him into
Christ! Kingsley was just baptized by
Andrew in January of this year!
Even during the torrential rain, Kevin (center)
rejoiced at being united with the Lord,
and is ready to be a light at the
University of Lagos!
Kip first met Glowria - a model - in Lagos at his
hotel during the 2018 Lagos African Missions
Conference (AMC)! She came to church,
but was not convicted! He Facebooked
her for the 2019 AMC, and she
came Sunday, June 30th!
Patrique Smellie (right) and Chinyere Akinfenwa - the
WML of Lagos - rejoiced with Glowria when she
proclaimed, "Jesus is Lord!"
At the end of the 2019 AMC, Kip initiated a prayer
with Glowria, Elena, Chinyere and Patrique that
Glowria would study the Bible and become
a baptized disciple, and in time, a WML!
Glowria's beautiful mother traveled all the way
from Ota, Ogun State to see her
daughter baptized!
Pray that Glowria will glorify the Lord with her
modeling and someday become a WML! To cap off this amazing day, we celebrated the wedding of Osas & Ariel Atohengbe!
Andrew was blessed to be "the father of the
bride" for Ariel and Osas' best man...
Only in the Kingdom! Congratulations to Osas & Ariel Atohengbe! The Lord continues to bless our efforts throughout the Motherland, as the Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) Church has added through God's power 21 baptisms and 2 restorations since August! There are now over 500 disciples in the 4 Democratic Republic of Congo Churches! Also, the Kinshasa Church has had 3 weddings, 2 in September and 1 in October! As well, with the baptism of a student in Abidjan, Ivory Coast on October 20th, the church membership is exactly 190 and poised to break the 200 barrier before Christmas! To God be the glory! Please continue to pray for the Lord to grant our Temporary Residence Permits for South Africa, which will allow us 3 years of unlimited service in Johannesburg!
Pacific Rim
Ricky Challinor – Overseeing Evangelist of Southeast Asia: This week Coleen & I had the enjoyment of taking Sean & Krystal O'Connor from Manila to Guam, to introduce them to the remnant church and the Island! They have fallen in love with this enchanting island, but most importantly, the 9 disciples! Upon our arrival, Sean & Krystal sat down to get time with each of the disciples in the church!
In Guam, a stone pillar supporting a hemispherical
capstone forms a “latte.” Chamorros have
inhabited Guam and the Mariana Islands
for at least 2,800 years! In modern times
the latte shape has become a symbol
of Chamorro cultural identity! Tony & Therese Untalan - a World Sector Leader
Shepherding Couple - were born in Guam
and are Chamorro... so Coleen (Untalan)
Challinor is too! Tony will be helping
with the planting in January! Sean & Krystal dreamed about "making history" in
Guam, as they stood above Umatac Bay where
Ferdinand Magellan arrived in 1521! Magellan
was the first to circumnavigate
the globe!
Friday night we had a Devotional with the church! The best part, besides the BBQ, was the fellowship as everyone is excited for Sean's & Krystal's arrival with the Guam Supplemental Mission Team in January!
At the Friday Devo, the O'Connors were handed a
cake with the words, "Hafa Adai," which means
in Chamorro - "hello" or "welcome!"
God promised that every place we set our feet is
ours, so the Challinos and O'Connors set their
feet at "Two Lover’s Point," which
overlooks the whole island!
Sunday, we had a service with nearly 1 for 1 visitors! Krystal delivered an amazing Communion that didn't leave a dry eye! Sean preached an incredible lesson that left the church speechless and yet full of excitement for their coming!
Sunday church was so exciting for the
Guam Remnant Group! Sean O'Connor designed the Guam ICC Logo!
Blady Perez – the Evangelist of Phnom Penh: September marked the One Year Anniversary that Nick & Denise Bordieri moved to Cambodia to oversee the CSW MERCY Orphanage and to lead the Phnom Penh Remnant Group! Praise the Lord, with only 14 on the mission team and 16 in the remnant group, the Inaugural Service was held on August 4, 2019 with 255 in attendance and 4 baptisms! As of today, the Phnom Penh Church has grown to 46 sold-out disciples!
Congratulations to Nick & Denise on their
very successful first year in Cambodia!
Nick Bordieri – the World Sector Leader of MERCYworldwide: Greetings from Cambodia, the Kingdom of Wonder! The CSW MERCY Orphanage was buzzing this week as we distributed new bedding – mattresses, blankets and pillows to all 50 kids!
We had the kids first remove all of their old bedding
and stack them in the courtyard! Nick and Ney Sakal - a CSW Board Member - handed
out bedding to all 50 orphans! The kids immediately brought their new
bedding to their rooms! Bunsak - 14 years old - was particularly thrilled
with his "new bed!" Sreynick (top) and Phor (bottom) were likewise
very grateful to MERCY for their "new beds!" Nick & Denise have built a great partnership with
the Cambodian Social Welfare core group of
Vanna (second from the left),
Sakal and Savan! Nick & Denise met with CSW Board Members -
General Chhem (center) and Ney Sakal (left) -
to review progress and set plans for
the remainder of 2019!
These incredible gifts to the children were only made possible from the USA Churches weekly giving! Thank you USA Churches for your weekly sacrifice for MERCYworldwide, as 3% of your giving goes to MERCYworldwide!
The MERCY International School in Jacmel (Haiti)
has prepared for the new school year! Jean Bonard Colin - a former UN worker - is
now the Jacmel preacher and MERCY
International School Director!
Luke Speckman – Lead Evangelist of New York City: On Sunday, September 15th, history was made as the New York City Church celebrated the Inaugural Service of our Connecticut Region in New Haven, Connecticut! God gave us an attendance of 142!
The Connecticut Region Inaugural Service
had 142 in attendance! Chris & Kerri-Sue Adams (left) of LA were invited to
do the Contribution Charge, as Chris was baptized
as a Yale student on May 21, 1989! Prayerfully,
the Adams will be appointed Shepherds
in the Chicago Church in 2020!
The service was held at the beautiful Omni Hotel right on the New Haven Green, just a 5 minute walk from Yale University!
Ajoke and Brandyn stood in front of the Omni
New Haven Hotel which is across the street
from the gorgeous New Haven Green!
Jonathan & Kiana Davis are the charismatic
Connecticut Region Leaders of the
New York City Church! Jonathan had lunch with 6 of his 8 visitors! Joshua (center) - who was baptized at Columbia the
week before - brought his brother, Daniel, a Yale
student, as well as Luke, another Yale
student, who both loved service!
Therefore, God's SoldOut Movement is now in 22 of the 50 States in America!
OPERATION EAGLE - OCTOBER 2019Green – Church Planting Purple – Remnant Group Red – To Be Planted
Lord willing, next year, the SoldOut Movement will
be in 25 - half - of the 50 States with the planting
of Dover, Delaware; Minneapolis, Minnesota;
and Salt Lake City, Utah!
Tim Kernan – Lead Evangelist of Los Angeles: Greetings from beautiful California! This weekend was our First Southwestern USA Campus Retreat wonderfully hosted by the San Diego ICC! The stirring theme was FRUIT THAT WILL LAST! On Thursday, John Causey and I drove down from LA to meet with the Southwest Church Leaders: Mason & Nathalie Fetelika (San Diego), Jeremy & Amy Ciaramella (Phoenix), Princeton & Joy George (Las Vegas), and Everardo & Jen Esparza (Albuquerque)!
Mike & Brittany Underhill (center) - the powerful
Central Region Leaders of LA - disciple the
Southwest Church Leaders! With almost 300 registered, the Campus Retreat Friday Night was incredible! Saturday even more so, and the Sunday Service was the grand finale with over 300 in attendance and two student baptisms! This retreat, superbly directed by Mike & Brittany Underhill, will revolutionize the Southwest Campus Ministries!
The fired-up Women Speakers for the Campus Retreat
came from all over the Southwest USA! The Campus Retreat provided time for priceless
fellowship at inexpensive fares, such as the
Lucha Libre Taco Shop! There were over 300 college students at the
Sunday Morning Worship Service! Mike preached about the greatness of God's love! Mike worked so hard the entire Retreat Weekend
to ensure that everyone would become
The 2019 City of Angels Church Singles Retreat – REDEMPTION – was led by Adam & Lauren Zepeda!
On October 14th, Adam & Lauren celebrated
their First Anniversary, remembering, "Two
are better than one. If one falls down,
his 'friend' can help him up!"
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
The Singles Retreat was held in the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains! With 160 in attendance, the Singles came down from the mountain top with radiant faces, ready to kick off our Singles and Marrieds Door-knocking Campaign for the Fall! The Singles are fired up and ready to "redeem the dream" of being a fruitful ministry that turns this world upside down!
REDEMPTION was found by all 160 that participated
in the City of Angels Church Singles Retreat! Lianne & I are saddened by the eminent departure of some of our best friends – John & Emma Causey – to Chicago! They have been royalty among us! Indeed, it has been a great honor to walk with them these past two years! At the same time, we are so excited to welcome Cory & Jee Blackwell, the mighty Middle East World Sector Leaders! Cory & Jee are dearly loved friends and family in the faith! Lianne & I are so are so looking forward to learning from them!
Kip & Elena have known the Causeys
since John's & Emma's college days
at Indiana State in the early 80's!
For the four of them, there
are no farewells, only
new adventures!
Congratulations to the newlyweds Fale & Lote Tutulupeatau, who were married on September 21st in the Inland Empire Region!!
Super congratulations to
Mr. & Mrs. Tutulupeatau! As well, congratulations to Daniel & Leila Clark of the North Region who were married on October 20th!
Married since September 1st, the "experienced older
couple" - Carver & Aileen Bedeau - congratulated
Daniel & Leila Clark, who were married
on October 20th! Only in the Kingdom are couples promised to
live out their days fulfilling God's dreams!
Lastly, a heart-warming story: Megan Struthers is a longtime friend of Sandra Smith from grade school! They grew up in Okoboji, Iowa – which next to Estherville, Iowa where Michael Kirchner's family reside! Sandra studied the Bible with Megan over Skype. Though Megan has received persecution from her "old church" where she was a Youth Worship Leader, Megan traveled to LA last weekend to finish her studies! Kristin Smith, Sharon Kirchner and Lauren Zepeda jumped in and Megan was baptized into Christ on Sunday, October 13th! Her husband, Tom is in the Air Force Reserves and currently stationed in Qatar until the end of January. Adam Zepeda and Josiah Smith have been studying with him twice a week over Skype!
Sharon, Sandra, Kristin and Lauren were
elated about Megan's baptism!
Jason Dimitry – Lead Evangelist of San Francisco: On Sunday, September 29th, the San Francisco Church celebrated their 7th Anniversary! Visiting were the Sears of Dallas / Fort Worth and the Woodys of Houston, who are now discipled by my wife & me! Excitingly, God blessed our congregation with 20 additions in the month of September!
The Woodys (left) and the Sears (right) are so
excited to be in the Tribe World Sector and
the San Francisco Family of Churches!
On the weekend of October 11-13th, Sarah & I took a group of young leaders – we call the COPs (Company Of Prophets / Prophetesses) – on our Second Annual Leadership Retreat to Las Vegas! Jesus was a master at forming groups that He would focus on to allow His impact to range far beyond his physical limitations. COPs is our attempt to imitate the great Master so that the Gospel can reach far more people than could ever be achieved through the personal efforts of Sarah & myself!
From Jason & Sarah's COPs will come
their "12" and then their "70!" Top COPs: Kevin Cox (left) and Tyler Jongsma! Since Jason & Sarah planted the Las Vegas
Church, they wanted to take the COPs to
Las Vegas to share about what made
it such a fast-growing planting! Gandhi in this case agreed with Jesus -
the true "Master Teacher!"
After an amazing retreat, we closed out by worshiping with the Great Las Vegas Church!
The Dimitry Family felt very welcomed by the Las
Vegas Church and the Las Vegas Leaders -
Princeton & Joy George! At the Sunday Service, Jason made
Princeton an honorary COP! Jason taught his sons and future COPs -
Micky and Monty - how to baptize! Please plan on coming to the First Hawaiian Islands
Missions Conference on January 17-19, 2020
in breath-taking Honolulu, Hawaii!
Cesar Limon – Lead Evangelist of Portland: Marcos & Elizabeth Lopez, who are dearly loved by many in the Kingdom, sadly sinfully divided from the Portland Church due to bitterness and started their own group with other fall aways. Three years later, they both realized that they needed help, and so Liz told Marcos that she is going to reach out to my wife Debbie. That same day, just a few hours later, we ran into them at IKEA and we challenged them to come and check out the church once again! Amazingly Victor & Sonia Gonzalez, who baptized them fifteen years ago, "happened" to be in town (Acts 17:26-27), and so they helped with leading the studies! The Lopezes were restored on Sunday, September 29th in tears of brokenness for falling away and turning their backs on the Movement! A few from their old group came to church as well as their restoration celebration and have started to study the Bible!
With the help of the Limons and Gonzalezes, Alfredo
& Rosy - the Portland Spanish Ministry Leaders -
restored Marcos & Liz Lopez to the Lord! Marcos was euphoric to be back in the
fellowship of God's Movement!
More good news from Portland... Jaymes Winters, a business professor who teaches at the Master's Program at Portland State University, has become our dear brother in Christ! Jaymes built a very successful oil company in the 90's that grew to have over 1,000 employees! Within 72 hours everything in his life was turned upside down, due to the tragic events of September 11, 2001! He lost his company and most of what he owned and then went on to become a business professor at Portland State. Every year around September 11th, he wrestled with the meaning and purpose of why everything happened the way it did, until this year! Jorge and the campus disciples were sharing for the BLITZ Campaign when they invited him to come to church, but he was not sure whether he wanted to attend. Praise God, we recently started meeting at the Karl Miller Building, which is the new Business Building at Portland State University! He was in his office hours on Sunday morning when he heard the singing and decided to come downstairs and the rest is history!
Jaymes - a PSU Professor - came out of the life-
changing waters of baptism like Superman!
Everardo Esparza – Lead Evangelist of Albuquerque: Praise God for three baptisms in the Albuquerque (ABQ) Church on October 6th! As my wife turned 25 years old on the Friday before, the Albuquerque Church then had 25 members! The following Sunday, we had another baptism, so the church has doubled to 26, as the original ABQ Mission Team had 13 members!
Everardo & Jen Ezparsa - the ABQ Lead Ministry
Couple - so love "Little Elias" and baby
Christians too as evidenced by
doubling the church in size!
Matt Sullivan – Lead Evangelist of Miami: Muhammed Gauvin came on the Miami Mission Team from Orlando in June 2018. Since this is the Year of Boldness, he made a prayer goal at the beginning of 2019 to truly multiply into 4 men: To meet and baptize a campus man, who meets and baptizes another campus man, who meets and baptizes another campus guy! On October 6th, God blessed Mohammed's bold prayer with the baptism of Cross!
Muhammed studied with Amir (red shirt and vest),
who met Leroy (blue button down shirt), who
met Cross (towel), who was baptized
Sunday, October 6th!
The SoldOut Movement Theme For 2020
Since 2014, every year an appropriate theme is selected: 2014 – Year of Prayer, 2015 – Year of Maturity, 2016 – Year of Family, 2017 – Year of the Impossible, 2018 – Year of Grace, and 2019 – Year of Boldness! Since 2020 is "20" / "20" (perfect vision), our theme will be the Year of Vision! As well, our 2020 Global Leadership Conference in LA will have theme VISIONS AND DREAMS from Acts 2:17, "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams!" The main program will be from Sunday, August 17th to Tuesday, August 19, 2020! The "Pre-Conference Program" will begin with the World Sector Leaders Meeting on Tuesday, August 11th!
The thrilling theme for the SoldOut Movement
in 2020 is the Year Of Vision! Do not forget the dates of the upcoming Global
Leadership Conference in LA on
August 17-19, 2020!
Please keep Elena & me in your prayers as Lord willing we will be literally flying around the world to participate in the European, Austral-China and South Asia Missions Conferences these next four weeks! And to God be all the glory!
We are family… bold and unashamed,