Good News Email – August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015

2015 Global Leadership Conference

Greetings from Los Angeles! For God’s SoldOut Movement, 2015 has been jam-packed with incredible miracles around the globe! The Spirit’s forceful advancement on all six populated continents “crescendo-ed” into this year’s Global Leadership Conference (GLC) SAVIOR OF THE WORLD! Officially beginning on Friday morning, July 31st and ending on Sunday afternoon, August 2nd, the 2015GLC was one of the highlights of my life!

MERCY Night at the 2015 GLC!

The 2015 GLC changed the participants, the movement and prayerfully now the world!

At the Sunday Service of the 2015 GLC, 2,102
gathered to proclaim, “JESUS IS THE

However, in many ways for the City of Angels International Christian Church, the 2015 GLC began on the previous Sunday with several disciples arriving early and participating in our July 26th Sunday Worship Services!

The Mainline Church of Christ Preacher who joined
the new movement – Benedict Atason –
arrives from Nigeria!

Rocky orients the Brazilian Sisters with America’s
finest cuisine – In-N-Out!

Cory Blackwell has a pre-service prayer for
the Southland, West and North Regions
Worship Service on the Sunday
before the GLC!

The Southland, West and North Regions Worship
Service fills the Southland building!

Coming all the way from the Netherlands, Arni
Sicam and his two daughters Beryl and
Chrys participate in the Southland,
West and North Regions
On Monday after Staff, Elena & I headed down to the beautiful Anaheim Hilton Hotel where all of the events of the week were held!

Home of the 2015 GLC – the Anaheim Hilton Hotel!
There we met the Sirotkin Family who had just arrived from Moscow! Oleg & Elena enthusiastically shared that since the Moscow Inaugural Service on February 1st (six months ago), God has grown the fledgling Moscow ICC of 50 Disciples (17 Mission Team Members and 33 Remnant Group Disciples) by 43 additions – 26 baptisms, 16 restorations and 1 place membership with only 3 fall aways! So we now have 89 sold-out disciples in Moscow!

The Sirotkin Family – Oleg, Sofia, Elena & Lidia – arm-in-arm with “Kip’s Elena!”
On Tuesday morning, the WORLD SECTOR LEADERS gathered! We began by falling on our knees in prayer to God! We then heard an incredible lesson from Andrew Smellie entitled THE LAMB OF GOD as all the lessons for this year’s GLC came from the Book of John!

Andrew preaching the Word to the WSL’s!
Following we shared a time of communion where we each broke off a piece of the one loaf of unleavened bread that had been prepared for us. We held the bread in one hand and the communion cup of red juice in the other. Then together holding up the bread before each other in unison we pledged, “We are family!” Immediately following we raised our communion cups – that represented the ultimate price Jesus paid and we must too – and we affirmed in unison, “To the end!” We then heard Raul Moreno on the theme, COMPLETE UNITY – THE PRACTICALS!

A wooden challis inscribed with the pledge
“We are family… to the end” was given
to each WSL Couple!


That evening was the FIRST SESSION of the CROWN OF THORNS COUNCIL which oversees the plans for our vision of the evangelization of the nations in this generation! Jason & Sarah Dimitry were introduced as they are the newest members of the Council, because of their passionate hearts for God and their outstanding efforts for the Lord in Las Vegas and San Francisco!

The Crown of Thorns Council begs God for
wisdom to lead His great people!
Following we heard good news reports from around the world! With the Council still “buzzing” over God’s miracles, Michael Williamson delivered a powerful charge, THE SHEPHERD LAYS DOWN HIS LIFE!

Michael Williamson shares about the
Spirit’s work in Europe!
On Wednesday morning, the CROWN OF THORNS COUNCIL had MEN’S and WOMEN’S PROGRAMS! Carlos Mejia and Lianne Kernan spoke on THE WORD BECAME FLESH in these sessions respectively. Carlos’ message was one of the best messages I’ve heard in a long time! He shared in detail about being born and raised in El Salvador and the trials that he and his single mom endured. There were few dry eyes in the room! This message prepared our hearts for a time of sharing, confession of sin, and prayer.

Carlos & Lucy Mejia are heroes in the faith
for all of Central & South America!
After lunch, we returned for the afternoon session! Since Argo & Anu Arneson are members of the Council, upon our arrival a beautiful cake in honor of the Stockholm Mission Team greeted us! In the SoldOut Movement it is our custom to celebrate each send-off of a mission team with a “specialty cake” emblematic of the city where the Spirit is sending them!

The gallant Stockholm Mission Team Leaders –
Argo & Anu Arneson!

The Stockholm Mission Team!

Ann Cathrine Arneson trying to save a piece
of the Stockholm Mission Team Cake
for her parents!

During the afternoon CROWN OF THORNS COUNCIL SESSION, the SOLDOUT MOVEMENT ROAD MAPFOR 2015 – 2018 was presented; Michael Kirchner addressed the movement’s FINANCES AND ADMINISTRATION; and collectively the World Sector Leaders reported on all 59 churches in the movement!That evening was the MERCYWORLDWIDE DIRECTORS DINNER and the ICCM FACULTY AND BOARD RECEPTION!

The ICCM goes global: Limons lead ICCM-Portland,
Bartholomews lead ICCM-Manila, Kernans
lead ICCM-LA, and Morenos lead
ICCM-Sao Paulo!

Kip’s new role as Chancellor of ICCM-Global will
focus on creating new ICCM Extension
Campuses! So congratulations to Tim
Kernan who is the new President
As well on Wednesday night was the INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS DEVOTIONAL! This event was hosted by Raul & Lynda Moreno, who lead the incredible Sao Paulo Campus Ministry which now has 49 college students – 32 of whom are from the University of Sao Paulo considered by many to be the number one university in all Central & South America! Mike Patterson, who leads the incredible University of Florida Campus Ministry, delivered the sermon, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

Mike Patterson’s UF Campus Ministry is a
great light for the movement!
Thursday morning from 9AM to 1PM, 472 Evangelists, Women’s Ministry Leaders, Shepherding Couples, MERCY Directors, and Interns participated in the glorious CHURCH BUILDERS WORKSHOP! The message of RIPE FOR HARVEST was enthusiastically delivered by Argo Arneson! Then ten different practical sermonettes were given on such themes as RADICALIZING THE REMNANT to VISITING THE SICK AND SHUT-INS to CREATIVE KIDS KINGDOM PROGRAMS!

Argo Arneson boldly challenges the SoldOut
Movement Leaders to multiply disciples!
That afternoon there was the opportunity to attend CYBERCON overseen by Ron Harding – the Lead CyberEvangelist of the SoldOut Movement, or the MERCYWORLDWIDE SUMMIT emceed by our new fulltime Directors of MERCYworldwide – Nick & Denise Bordieri! Then on Thursday evening was the TALENT SHOW and the PURE DANCE!

The Kingdom’s got talent!

As the Kingdom DJ, Rob Onekea kept the music
clean, the dancing pure and the
evening lots of fun!

Friday morning was the official OPENING GENERAL SESSION of the 2015 GLC! Amazingly, the 1,603 paid participants registered quite efficiently by our outstanding Registration Team coordinated by Rebecca Rico! Also, we all need to give a huge thanks to Tim Kernan – the GLC Director – and the entire GLC Staff who worked so tirelessly around the clock! As well, special thanks to Jason & Susan Bond who were our liaisons with the Hilton Hotel!Astoundingly, Alex Rohde and the “Livestream Staff” reported through that the 2015 GLC was broadcast by Livestream into 69 nations which included Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan and China!

Livestream broadcast the 2015 GLC into 69 nations!
Paul wrote in his day in Colossians 1:6, “All over the world this gospel’s bearing fruit and growing…” We can now say as well that the world is being evangelized in our day!

Many thanks to the AV Crew!
The Welcome at the OPENING GENERAL SESSION began with a dazzling video over-viewing the life of Jesus by Jose Otero! This dramatic video inspired us all the more to appreciate this year’s compelling theme and opening message – SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!

Kip McKean as seen on Livestream!
As well, the Sobolevs of Moscow and the Tabizons of LA were appointed Evangelists and Women’s Ministry Leaders respectively!
Immediately after the Sobelevs and the Tabizons
were appointed, the entire congregation sang
to them, We Love You With The
Love Of The Lord!
To close the FIRST GENERAL SESSION, the HISTORY OF THE SOLDOUT MOVEMENT (THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE) was given year by year from 2003 to date! Each speaker was selected for “their year” as each was able to give “firsthand accounts” of the workings of God’s mighty hand!

Matt Sullivan lays it out about 2005 – LETTERS AND MORE LETTERS!

Therese Untalan gives the sad but heartfelt report

Michele Williamson spoke on the year 2009 –

Blaise Feumba preached about 2011 – GRACE AND MERCY!

Oleg Sirotkin and Joe Willis shared from their lives about 2012 –

Michael Kirchner joyfully recounted 2013 –

The large room for the SHEPHERD’S FORUM
was packed out!

Friday evening was the SECOND GENERAL SESSIONTHE KINGDOM BANQUET! Many were on “encouragement dates” – even the Marrieds! And what a feast of food and love was that entire night!

The Kingdom Banquet was truly a taste of Heaven!

Last year at the Kingdom Banquet, the Peacocks
joined God’s new movement!

So moving were the Kingdom Appointments of Princeton & Joy George and the remarkable reinstatement of Chris McGrath!

Princeton & Joy George courageously
lead the San Diego Church!

Chris McGrath’s three sons – Josh, Shane and
Christopher – honored their father by
standing beside him during
his reinstatement!

Appropriate for THE KINGDOM BANQUET was the message – THE FULL EXTENT OF HIS LOVE – by the truly electrifying Evangelist, Cory Blackwell! In his passionate presentation, Cory called us all to be more like Christ by being servant leaders!

Cory Blackwell shares powerfully about his
mom’s love paralleling it to the way
we need to love all disciples!

Saturday we enjoyed the MEN’S and WOMEN’S PROGRAMS! Both sessions had the same theme for the main lesson: JESUS AND HIS DISCIPLES BAPTIZED! Elena fervently addressed all the sisters!

Elena on Livestream!
Kyle Bartholomew inspired all the brothers with his amazing accounts of the planting of the Metro Manila International Christian Church two months ago! Astoundingly, the 9 on the Manila Mission Team were joined by the 50 in the Manila Remnant Group to have God bring 306 to their Inaugural Service on June 7th! During these two months, there have been 38 additions – 24 baptisms, 8 restorations and 6 place memberships directly from our former fellowship!

Kyle Bartholomew mesmerized the brothers
with his accounts of the “unbelievable”
miracles in Manila!
Another equally moving event was the appointment by Andrew Smellie of Adam Zepeda as an Evangelist in the Kingdom of God!

Adam thanked his entire family – who are all
disciples – for their prayers and incredible
support in becoming an Evangelist
and ICCM graduate!

The WOMEN’S PROGRAM both delighted and convicted!

The second half of the MEN’S PROGRAM had nine short CHARACTER STUDIES FROM THE BOOK OF JOHN, which included: ANDREW, BARNABAS, PILATE and JUDAS!

At the MEN’S PROGRAM, it was so inspiring to hear
both the young and old preachers dig deep
into God’s Word!

Saturday afternoon was dedicated to the WORLD SECTOR FORUMS! Because of space, we had to combine a couple of the World Sectors. So the forums were: UNITED STATES & CANADA, CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA, EUROPE & THE RUSSIAN COMMONWEALTH, MIDDLE EAST, ASIA & THE PACIFIC RIM, and AFRICA & THE FRENCH-SPEAKING CARRIBBEAN!

THE MATURE SINGLES ICE CREAM SOCIAL was so amazing that not only did they fellowship from 5:30-7:00PM, but they even returned back to the same room after the MERCY NIGHT SESSION!THE THIRD GENERAL SESSION was the much anticipated MERCY NIGHT where every disciple – every “MERCY Ambassador” – wore their green MERCY shirts! To begin the evening we enjoyed the CYBER-MINISTRY and MERCYWORLDWIDE REPORTS!


On MERCY Night, our new fulltime Directors
of MERCY – Nick & Denise Bordieri – shared
their global vision for MERCY!


Jeremiah Clark and the Mighty Denver
Church are awarded one of six
“Top Kingdom Websites!”

Then we were profoundly touched by the “selected” TALENT SHOW PERFORMANCE by the New York City Disciples!

Austin Broom and the NYC Dance Ensemble
give a very moving performance!
Following the performance were the Kingdom Appointments of Amy Ciaramella and Jacob & Courtney Beas!

After many years of training, Sonja Chloupek
joyfully appoints Amy Ciaramella
to be a WML!

Jason & Sarah Dimitry appoint their beloved
partners in the gospel – Jacob &
Courtney Beas!
Concluding the evening’s festivities was the marvelous sermon by Chris Broom –
IT IS FINISHED! Chris challenged each of us that “we are not finished” and “the evangelization of the nations is not finished!”

Chris Broom delivers a message that
brought us to the foot of the cross!
All of the previous week’s events were leading up to the SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE! The singing of the over 2,000 in attendance was beyond “off the charts!” After the welcome, we witnessed two touching restorations and four amazing place memberships!

Through the efforts of Lance Underhill and the
South Region, Eric and his physical
sister Karla were restored
to their “first love!”
Then came the remarkable Kingdom Appointments of Amadou & Angele Sountoura of Abidjan and Rebecca Rico, who also was the Women’s Valedictorian for the ICCM Class of 2015!

Rebecca Rico is appointed a WML in the Kingdom
of God, because so many sisters poured
their hearts and wisdom into her!  

Our “international” COMMUNION was presided over by Argo & Anu Arneson, followed by the CONTRIBUTION “message” by Oleg & Elena Sirotkin!

Oleg & Elena inspired us to give our contribution
through sharing about the sacrifices
in the Moscow Church!
After a brief break, Wagner’s epic composition – Ride Of The Valkyries – filled the auditorium and the historic THIRD COMMENCEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES began with the processional of the ICCM Faculty and this year’s graduates!

Chancellor McKean leads the ICCM Processional!

The colorful pageantry of the jubilant ICCM
Processional brought glory to God “for
prophets and kings longed to
what we saw! 

Dr. Tim Kernan explains the European Degree
System and the founding of the ICCM!

Elena, the new Vice Chancellor of Women
in the ICCM-Global, shares about the
extraordinary impact of the ICCM
on both men and women!

Cesar Limon was distinguished at this year’s
graduation as he was the Men’s
Valedictorian of the Class of
2015 and he received his
Master’s Degree!

A total of 83 BA Degrees were awarded in four different tracks: Ministry, Administration, Charity Services and Shepherding!

BA Degrees were awarded in four Tracks:
Ministry, Administration, Charity
Services and Shepherding!

Lord willing, Stefano will soon leave
for Santiago to gather the Lima
(Peru) Mission Team!

Daniela Payan received the BA
of Ministry!

Jacque Economo was awarded the
BA Degree
in Administration!

Ted Karonis of Boston received the BA
Degree in Charity Services!

Prisca Scheidecker of Paris received her
BA Degree in Shepherding!
Then came the “hooding” of Cesar Limon and Raul Moreno who received the prestigious ICCM Master’s Degree which will allow them to “open” an extension campus in their cities of Portland and Sao Paulo!

Raul Moreno is “hooded” and conferred
the Master’s Degree in Ministry!
Then perhaps for me the highlight of the week was my dear wife receiving the first ICCM Doctorate Degree awarded to a woman! Elena’s dissertation was on the “Women’s Elevation Section” found in Luke 7:11-8:56! All ICCM Doctoral Dissertations are written in book form. So Elena’s book – ELEVATE – will be published by the SoldOut Movement’s new Berean Publishing House this Autumn in five languages!

Dr. Elena Garcia McKean and her precious
daughter in the faith – the Women’s
Valedictorian of the Class
of 2015 – Rebecca Rico!

After transferring their tassels from the right to
the left – thus signifying formally receiving
their BA Degrees – the class of 2015
begins to celebrate!
After this incredible event, we sang a new song that the whole movement so enjoyed, Let It Rise! On the final verse, we sang with all our might, “Let the Savior of the World rise among us…” Then Tim Kernan preached the message that we all needed to hear, DO YOU TRULY LOVE ME?

Tim Kernan on Livestream!
Then we witnessed 17 people answer Jesus’ question, “Do you truly love me?” with the good confession, “Jesus is Lord!”

In the AMS Region, TJ – a Kingdom Kid – returns
to the Kingdom and his faithful
mom, Chantelle!

Jesus is Lord and the SAVIOR
“I now baptize you, ‘In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit…'”

To TJ (above) and our other 16 new brothers
and sisters, we say, “Welcome
to the Family of God!”
Even then, there was more to come – the Spirit sending out the Sacramento and Stockholm Mission Teams! Globes were given to the mission team members and then Nick Bordieri and Tony Untalan – the Movement’s Shepherds – prayed over the teams mentioning each disciple by name!

In the SoldOut Movement, upside-down globes are
presented to each Mission Team Member to
signify that they are part of “turning
the world upside-down!”

(Acts 17:6 RSV)

Tony Untalan and Nick Bordieri – our Movement
Shepherds – pray over the Sacramento and
Stockholm Mission Teams!

Like Jesus (John 17:1), little Jezelle Beas of
the Sacramento Mission Team prays
with her eyes open!

The Super Sacramento Mission Team!
The Spirit-filled Stockholm Mission Team!
Then we closed out the 2015 GLC as we do every year with Lou Jack Martinez leading us in the song that he wrote which records the modern history of the Discipling Movement – The Glory Song (International Version)!

Lou Jack Martinez leading over 2,000 in the
singing of The Glory Song!
Sunday afternoon, Elena’s and my two sons and their families gathered with a few of our closest friends in our spiritual family to celebrate not only Elena receiving her Doctorate Degree, but also to celebrate her 60th Birthday! (Our daughter and her family celebrated with us on Saturday!)

Elena’s cake celebrates her Doctorate
and her 60th Birthday!
After Sunday lunch at the party, we had a time of sharing about Elena. I began the sharing by reading parts of Proverbs 31, “A wife of noble character, who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her… She gets up while it is still dark, she provides food for her family… She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy… She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and full instruction is on her tongue… Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also and he praises her; ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’ Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised!” These inspired words so aptly describe my very best friend, partner in the gospel and wife of almost 39 years – Elena!

Elena hasn’t changed a bit in almost 39 years
of marriage, but as for Kip…
Dearest Brothers and Sisters: As Elena wrote in her dissertation, it is my prayer that the 2015 GLC moves those of us in the United States from being “American Christians to Global Disciples!” Inspired by the GLC, in the Movement and in particular in the City of Angels Church, we will begin this week to focus on rebuilding each of our Bible Talks to be modeled after “Jesus and the Apostles.”

Global Disciples – Cassidy of England, Yassa
of India, and Sasha of Russia!
So three days ago, I delivered the Staff Lesson to the Men Region Leaders entitled, HIT THE RESET BUTTON! To reset your computer is to bring it back to its original setting or state… In the City of Angels Church we are determined to bring each of our 100 Bible Talks back to the “original state” of the planting of the City of Angels Church in Los Angeles on May 6, 2007! The original 42 sold-out disciples from Portland on the LA Mission Team were divided into eight Bible Talks which God blessed with 104 baptisms our very first year!

We are determined to build our 100 Bible Talks
in the City of Angels Church to be just like
the original eight Bible Talks which
had 104 baptisms in our
first year in LA!

So the call to each Region Leader was to: 1) In the next two weeks meet with each one of their Bible Talks teaching from the Scriptures and discussing with them how to be more effective (Acts 14:1). 2) As well at this meeting to call the individuals in the Bible Talk to “reset” their lives by repenting of “viruses” (that slow us down) such as cowardliness, unbelief, contempt and laziness. 3) At the same meeting, the Region Leader is to help each Bible Talk come up with a “catchy name” such as Jesus called His group – “The Apostles!” literally “the Messengers!” 4) And lastly, if the Region Leader is not presently leading a Bible Talk, then he is to begin so thus having a fruitful example for his other Bible Talks to imitate.Again, thanks to all who made such incredible sacrifices in order to attend the 2015 GLC!

Therefore, “now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that [Jesus] really is the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!” (John 4:42)
We are family… to the end,