January 10, 2020


 “After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”

Acts 16:10 

 Our movement-wide theme for 2020 is The Year of Vision. In keeping a focus on Visions, and Atlanta being a feeding/planting church, my vision is to focus our attention on Acts 16:9-10 and the amazing response the brothers had to Paul’s vision of the lost in Macedonia crying out to be saved! At some point, all of us where the Macedonian man – crying out for God to put someone in our life. As disciples who have been found, we must imitate these heroic brothers and always be “Ready at Once” to make plans, change plans, do anything and sacrifice everything to help those who are still crying out find God! That said, the theme of the 2020 Atlanta International Christian Church (ATLICC) Winter Workshop is Ready at Once

Before we venture into 2020, let us take a moment to gratefully recount some of the miracles and highlights of 2019! 

 Unquestionably, through the work of the Atlanta Church, God inspired the entire movement with our zeal and growth! Highlights of the year included: the initial worship service on December 23rd – just two days after arriving – where three of us had 27 at church! This was followed by three additions by the new year! At our Inaugural Service on February 24th, we set our first attendance record of 308, having two baptisms that weekend – including Ruben who is Dara Teamers father! The 2019 SAGES Campus Conference gave us a much-needed boost! Then we formed the Mighty Men and Modern Deborahs leadership groups, who have been a driving force in the church! Even more amazing has been the other family members of disciples from other churches who have been baptized: Vicki Washington, whose daughter and son-in-law are shepherds in DC – as well as Bridjette Doris and Daniel Malone, whose sister is an paid intern in Houston! Other memorable highlights was the arrival of Mike and Stephanie Schafer, our Christmas Show and the MERCY Toy Drive! We then had an absolutely historic New Years Eve Celebration were we shocked the movement with the unveiling of the first performances of the ATLICC AMS Ministry!! These “noble deeds” of our first year have been attained because the Lord has graciously added to our number 44 souls: 19 baptisms, 8 restorations, and 17 place memberships – many of whom came to us directly from our former fellowship seeking revival! We had a net growth of 280%!!

The Mighty Men Leadership Group of the Atlanta International Christian Church!
The Mighty Men Leadership Group of the Atlanta International Christian Church!
The Modern Deborah's Leadership Group of the Atlanta International Christian Church!
The Modern Deborah’s Leadership Group of the Atlanta International Christian Church!

As we close our thoughts on 2019, the Congregational Shepherding Couple – Damon and Vicki James, the Associate Ministers – Mike and Stephanie Schafer, The Mighty Men and the Modern Deborahs want to commend the Atlanta Church for the sacrifice of your time in studying with so many people and an almost unbelievable $54,000 collected in our Special Missions efforts. Excitingly, we meet with the Atlanta Braves on January 14th about fundraising with the Concessions stands in the Sun Trust Stadium! 


With this year’s theme – The Year Of VisionF, the Atlanta Church Leadership has set before the Lord the following Prayer Goals for 2020:

“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’” Luke 11:1 – With the daunting challenge to reach all nations in this generation, comes the realization that we will only be able to accomplish this “seemingly impossible feat” if we too learn to pray as Jesus’ disciples learned from Him. After all, it’s been 2,000 years since the world was last evangelized in a generation – and this was only accomplished by the Spirit working through the Apostles’ prayers! Therefore, our first goal is to call every disciple to refocus on their personal relationship with God.

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’” Matthew 9:37-38 – With the planting of the Atlanta church, it is no surprise that nearly 50% of the ATLICC membership is composed of new Christians, restorations or place memberships. Consequently, we have a tremendous opportunity to bring everyone to maturity in Christ, which includes being “fruitful.” (Luke 8:14-15) We will continue to work on the retention of these precious new disciples through the accountability of Follow-up Studies, New Christian Orientations, D-groups at Midweek Services, as well as the raising-up at least one Shepherding Couple and one Deacon Couple in each of our House Churches by the end of 2020. Ask the Lord to send out the workers to grow our Bible Talks so we can double our geographic presence and reach 90 disciples by the end of 2020! 

“I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 – Becoming “all things to all men” requires we use our gifts to relate to people and to make a deliberate effort to win those who are not like us. We have a goal to boost the women’s ministry by having 75 women at our March 1st Women’s Day, to balance the racial diversity by focusing on people who not of our race and culture and by growing our New AMS Bible Talk into it’s own ministry! 

“I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:23-24 – For many young or newly restored disciples, being consistent with their weekly pledge as well as “coming through” with their Missions Contribution can pose a “mountain of problems.” Yet Jesus promises if we believe – in fact if we pray as if we’ve already received what we need for God’s purposes – God will give it to us! Our financial goals this year are to increase our pledges to $3,850/week and to give $50,000 Missions Contribution by May 17th, as well as a $25,000 Thanksgiving Missions Contribution on November 22nd to assure that “there [are] no needy persons among [us – the Church Universal].” (Acts 4:34) 

“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but he beat his breast and said, ‘God, have MERCY on me, a sinner.’” Luke 18:13 – As the benevolent arm of the SoldOut Movement, the impact of MERCYworldwide now extends to all six populated continents of the world! This year, the Atlanta Church will participate in our movement’s global events of the Day of MERCY in June and the MERCY Christmas Toy Drive in December! Our movement has over a decade of partnering with the Red Cross for blood drives. We have a goal to find similar local partners for MERCYWorldwide here in Atlanta!

“Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God. But some of them became obstinate; they refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way. So Paul left them. He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of [Atlanta] heard the word of the Lord” Acts 19:8-10 – In the early days of our movement, we had a vision to “radicalize” all of our churches through the vision of establishing a seminary that would have satellite campuses in each city where we have a church. This vision became a reality in 2013 with the founding of the International College of Christian Ministry (ICCM). I am working with all my might to complete my master’s degree. We are putting forth the prayer goal of establishing the Atlanta ICCM Satellite Campus after all of us attend the 2020 Global Leadership Conference. Pray we are able to register 10 new students and one master’s student in September! We are hoping this will lead to the appointment of Mike and Stephanie Schafer, so they can be sent out and take their place in evangelizing the province of Atlanta! 

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church… forever and ever! Amen!” Ephesians 3:20-21 Our last challenge is for every ATLICC member to have at least one personal prayer goal that is “immeasurably more than [anything] we imagine.” This may include being on a mission team, being selected for the ICCM, becoming a Bible Talk Leader, being selected as a Shepherding or Deacon Couple, or even the conversion or restoration of someone close to you.

In all cultures, the beginning of a new year brings hope and resolutions. Yet the world lacks the Spirit’s power to transform, so many “new year’s resolutions” quickly fade. When kneeling and tearful disciples pray, this incense prompts our Father in Heaven to unleash His Spirit and His angels to even “move mountains!” Let us all embrace The Year Of Vision

Ron Harding

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